Monday, November 7, 2011

Pork Belly

wip requires formatting

1 pork belly
Sea Salt
Olive oil

Score the pork belly about 1cm deep with diagonally criss crossed cuts about 1 inch apart.
Rub in lots of sea salt and olive oil and marinade for at least 1 hour in the fridge.

Put the pork on a roasting tray, elevated with a grill.
Put a cup of water in the roasting tray (the pork should not be touching the water).
The centre of the pork belly should be raised to avoid fat from pooling in the middle of the belly. I put an egg cup under the middle belly.
Cover the pork with aluminium foil and put it in a low temp oven (150 degrees) for 40 minutes.
After 40 mins remove the foil and let it cook for another 2-4 hours.
just before you take it out turn the oven up 240C if it hasn't already crackled.
